My working ethics

As a licensed psychotherapist, specialised in behavioural therapy, I stand for a professional, scientifically based form of psychotherapy.

I offer psychotherapy for different symptoms and mental illnesses. 
Firstly, we thoroughly analyse the problem individually and on an equal footing, understand the background of these problems and consequently develop solutions.

If you wish for self-reflection, personal growth or have work-related issues I offer coaching.

Contact me and in a non-binding introductory meeting we will clarify which offer suits you personally.

In my work, I stand for a work relationship at eye level. I therefore try to keep my therapy transparent, sustainable and understandable. I also think that health and therefore mental health as well depends on psychological factors, but also social and biological factors. My holistic view on psychotherapy is reflected in the thorough analysis on all of the mentioned factors.
In my understanding, psychotherapy can be helpful, if the biographical origins and personal patterns of difficulties are understood. For a sustainable change in these patterns, I believe that a focus on present issues, feelings and behaviours is mandatory, which is also reflected in my interventions.

I have specialized in the field of behavioural therapy for adults. In addition, I integrate methods from schema therapy, relaxation techniques and elements of mindfulness.

If you would like to learn more about behavioural therapy and alternative forms of treatment, you will find a good overview HERE.
Based on my many years of experience with chronic pain (headaches, back pain, fibromyalgia, post-herpetic pain, etc.) and psychosomatic symptoms, I am convinced of the close interaction between body and mind. 

In my experience, it is always possible to improve the quality of life while at the same time, suffering from chronic pain.
An interdisciplinary exchange with your other treating medical doctors or other forms of therapy is particularly important to me.

How to start psychotherapy?

You can contact me by E-Mail or phone to arrange for a non-binding first meeting, to get to know each other. I offer the first session at the reduced cost of €70.
As I do not own a "Kassensitz", the ways of starting a psychotherapy depend on your health insurance.

In case you want to pay yourself, there are no further organisational restrictions. If you decide to start a psychotherapy we can start immediately.
The costs per session are linked to the usual recommendations of the "Gebührenordnung für Psychotherapeuten", which is €100,55.

In case you are member of a private insurance, you should contact your insurance, what the specific regulations of your insurance regarding psychotherapy are.
Before our first session, ask them for a form in order to request a psychotherapy. Usually, you will pay for the sessions and will be reimbursed by your insurance company.

Should you be insured by the "gesetzliche Krankenkasse", after our first non-binding session, I will help you with the formalities an I will send them an application for them to cover all expenses.